The natural history of the area and the development of the Windings Community

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Jens Jensen and the Nature of the Windings  ARTICLE: A brief history of the development of the Windings, including geological features formed by water and a 36 acre green belt. Balancing the forces of nature and our streets and homes requires ongoing attention. (October, 2019)
Original Branigar Windings Brochure BROCHURE:  The original 1969 sales brochure for The Windings of Ferson Creek by the Branigar Corporation.
Windings of Ferson Creek Homeowners Association Environmental Committee BROCHURE: Shares the history, accomplishments and goals of the committee. (October, 2020) 
The Windings Woodland and So Much More ARTICLE: A natural history of the Windings rare oak woodlands; the benefits and the dangers if left neglected. (June, 2021)
The Hills Are Alive in the Windings ARTICLE: Discusses the geology of the Windings and how annual rain storms can undercut driveways and large oaks. What we do in our yards can help. (September, 2020)
The Windings Oak Savanah ARTICLE: The hillside by the Windings pond may have been an Oak Savannah in pre-settlement days. (September, 2020)
Oak Savannas WEBSITE: A guide to provide land owners with the tools needed to restore oak savannas in the midwest.
Chicago Wilderness Atlas of Biodiversity PUBLICATION: A description of wooded communities, wetlands, streams, and more in the Chicago Wilderness region, including Kane County. (1999)
Jens Jensen – Poet of the Prairie ARTICLE: This article chronicles the life and influence of Jens Jensen in Chicago and other places in the Midwest. (September, 2018)
Jens Jensen Living Green Video VIDEO: Learn about the man that inspired The Windings of Ferson Creek. (aired on PBS, June, 2014)